Breastfeeding Reduces Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Breastfeeding Reduces Your Risk of Breast Cancer

You most likely know that breastfeeding gives your baby a healthy start. But did you know that it lowers your breast cancer risk? Research has shown that mothers who breastfeed lower their risk of pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer. And, breastfeeding longer than...
20 Parenting Tips Every Parent Needs

20 Parenting Tips Every Parent Needs

New mom or dad? Here are 20 helpful tips carefully curated that we are sure will come in handy as you raise your kids.  Becoming a parent can be a tad overwhelming, especially when the advice comes from all quarters. So we at Pediatric Partners Hospital have compiled...
26 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

26 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

It is the desire of every expectant mother to give birth to healthy children. However, many women forget that to raise a healthy baby, the mother must be in good shape healthwise. To take care of your new baby, you must take care of yourself.  So today, we at...
Health Tips for Your Kids this Summer

Health Tips for Your Kids this Summer

Your kids are out of school for the holidays and looking forward to the long, lazy days and fun days of summer. Here are a few tips to keep them healthy and active. Prepare Healthier Summer Meals It’s easy to be tempted to get out of a regular routine with family meal...