As we all can testify, we are in the hot season and it can be frustrating dealing with the intense heat but have you thought of how the heat could affect your child? Today’s post addresses ways the hot weather can affect your baby and how to handle the situation.


Because your little one can easily overheat, he or she is at risk for heat exhaustion or heat stroke. To prevent these life-threatening conditions, keep your baby comfortably cool in hot weather – and never leave him or her in a parked car. If your child shows signs of distress, immediately take steps to cool him or her down and seek emergency care.


Now to the main question, what is heat stroke?


Heat stroke is a serious condition that occurs when a person becomes extremely hot or overheated. Basically, the body’s temperature rises continuously while its ability to cool off shuts down.


Your little one might get heat stroke, also called hyperthermia or sun stroke, if he or she is exposed to an extremely hot atmosphere for too long in very hot weather,  for example – especially if he or she becomes dehydrated or is dressed too warmly.


Difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion


While both of them are types of heat illnesses, and both happen when the body isn’t able to cool itself. Heat exhaustion is much milder than heat stroke and can usually be taken care of by moving the child out of the heat and cooling off his body. If not addressed quickly, heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke, which requires urgent medical care.


Symptoms of heat exhaustion in kids


Your little one may have the following symptoms:


  • Unusually thirst or fatigue
  • Cool, moist skin
  • Leg cramps or stomach cramps
  • Headache
  • Dizziness or faintness
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • A fever, but under 104 degrees Fahrenheit


Symptoms of heat stroke in kids


It is important to note that Heat stroke symptoms largely overlap the symptoms of heat exhaustion, but if your child’s heat exhaustion is attended to, it can progress to heat stroke, with the following symptoms:


  • A fever that’s 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) or higher – but often with no sweating
  • Hot, red, dry skin
  • Rapid pulse
  • Restlessness
  • Confusion
  • Trouble walking
  • Seizures
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Unconsciousness
  • Vomiting
  • Shock


Steps to take if you think your child has heat exhaustion


If your precious little one is showing signs of heat exhaustion but it hasn’t progressed to heat stroke:


  • Bring him or her  indoors – to an air-conditioned room, if possible.
  • Give your baby plenty of breast milk or formula. If he or she is 6 months or older, offer sips of water or a chilled pediatric electrolyte solution – talk to the doctor for dosage directions based on your child’s age and weight.
  • Give him or her  a cool bath.
  • Let him or her stay naked.