
One of the most common things we’ve noticed as pediatricians is that people are so keen on offering new parents nitty-gritty baby tips for getting the job done. And even though the topic for this article might come off as one of such tips, we can assure you that this is something different… tips to help you thrive, grow and truly enjoy your journey as a new-parent-to-be. So, sit back, relax, and read up!

Don’t doubt yourself.

Some first-time parents get entangled in an emotional yo-yo, swinging between feeling like you’ve got the job nailed…and like an inept rookie. But guess what? You are a good parent and you have what it takes to preserve life. Believe us, things get much stickier later on (fears, bullying, teen drama/traumas, etc.). But for now, you will do just fine if you keep to the basics: love, touch, singing, milk, and patience.

Don’t be unkind…to yourself.

If you’re like many first-time parents, it’s possible that you’ve barely ever touched a newborn before having your own. So, it’s quite surprising that you think you should automatically be adept at caring for a baby. Be as supportive to yourself as you would be to your best friend. Remind yourself that you are learning and you’ll be sure to improve.

Rest! (Get as much sleep as possible).

If parenting is a big balloon filled with everything beautiful, exhaustion is the pin that pops it! Your sleep pattern can make or break a mood. After years in pediatric practice, we’ve seen over and over again how sleep deprivation can reduce a parent to tears. It makes you feel alone, incompetent, edgy, and causes serious accidents and sickness.

Accept all the help you can get as a new parent.

Never before in history have parents been expected to care for their newborns…all alone. Right from the olden days, we’ve always had moms, cousins, aunts, and older sisters living with us to help out. However, given the times and the fact that both parents work, they are even more pressed.

So, our advice for new parents? Don’t even for a second hesitate to ask or pay for help. You need…and deserve it. Lean on the support of your friends and family, or hire some help. You’ll get more sleep and be finally able to enjoy your beautiful family more fully.

Be flexible!

As you progress as a parent, you will naturally find that some parenting ideologies make more sense to you than others, but if Pediatric Partners were to make a bumper sticker for parents, it would say “Be flexible…or die!” It is great to have ideas about raising children, but the truth is, our children are here to challenge all of our preconceived expectations. Stay flexible particularly when things aren’t going as planned. You may be surprised how “going with the flow” can keep your good mood going.

Keep your sense of humor!

Remember, you are new at this business! So, your flashcards, forget dignity, forget organization, and be gentle with yourself oh, and remember to laugh…laugh, laugh, laugh! Laughter raises your spirits, lowers your stress and that is exactly what you need.

Parents deserve love and attention too!

Caring for the baby you both brought into this world is only half your job; the other is giving your partner some TLC. Step out for dinner or a walk when a family member comes to visit. Find time to cook together, cuddle on the couch, Netflix, and maybe even…wait for it…you know, add some chill to the mix!

Final Words of Advice for New Parents

Those are probably some of the best tips for new parents. Above all, always remember that if you’re doing your best as a first-time parent, you’re doing a great job. And if you’re struggling, don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help.

You’ve got this!

For extra help and support, you can Book An Appointment to see one of our specialists and we would be happy to have you and your new born.