
Yes, Christmas is around the corner and it’s that time of the year when we tend to indulge our every craving. And while giving in is tempting, it’s exactly when you should support your family’s nutrition goals by choosing healthy options.

The festivities and treats of the holiday season can make it difficult for your little ones to maintain good eating habits that they might have established with your help throughout the year. 

On average, people gain 1-3 pounds during the six weeks from late November to New Year’s Day. While this may seem insignificant, extra weight can add up over time and eventually lead to health issues such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • High triglycerides (fats traveling in the blood)
  • Increase in blood sugar
  • Increase in insulin levels
  • Diabetes

If your children indulge in unhealthy eating habits during the holidays, it can be challenging for them to get back to good food choices again in the new year. Making sure that you and your little ones continue to practice healthy behaviors throughout the holidays will help ensure that your family’s health stays in top shape year-round.

4 ways to keep you and your child healthy this festive period. 

Here are a few of our tried and tested tips to help you and your child enjoy the season in a healthy way:

  • Maintain a normal eating pattern

During school breaks, it can be easy for your child’s routine to get off-track. If your child usually eats three meals a day and snacks, try to maintain that schedule. Maintaining your regular eating schedule helps keep hunger at bay and allows you time to enjoy your holiday favorites without overeating.

  • Portion Control matters 

Portion small, eat slowly and pay attention to your body. For many of us, the holidays are synonymous with overindulgence. Remember to honor your fullness cues and stop eating when full yet still feeling comfortable. If you feel like you are about to burst, that’s an indication that you have already eaten too much. Talk to your kids about what it feels like to “be full” and listen to your body’s cues, so they don’t overeat and become uncomfortable. 

  • More vegetables should be incorporated into the holiday meals

Choosing meals with high-fiber and more vegetable-based dishes can help reduce the number of calories you and your kids consume during the holidays. Try lighter preparations, such as those that are grilled or baked.

  • Organize fun family activities

Including physical activities into your holiday routine is a good way to keep up healthy habits and enjoy quality time together as a family. Plan a post-meal walk around the neighborhood, bicycle rides, swimming, or an all-inclusive workout routine.

The holiday season is a special time to spend with loved ones. Hopefully, these tips will help you enjoy your time together while still making your health a priority. 

Compliments of the season from us at Pediatric Partners Hospital