
​​Did you know that most injuries that happen to hundreds of children younger than 1 year could be prevented?

Most often than not, these injuries happen because parents are not aware of what their children can do. Children learn and move fast, and before you know it, your child will be wiggling off a bed or reaching for your plate of hot jollof rice.

Below are some common injuries kids under 1 year are at risk of

Car Injuries

Car crashes are one of the major threats to your child’s health. Most of these injuries from car crashes can be prevented by the use of car safety seats. Your little one, besides being much safer in a car safety seat, will behave better, so you can pay close attention to your driving. It’s important to note that your infant should ride in the back seat in a rear-facing car seat.

Make certain that your baby’s car safety seat is installed correctly. Use the car safety seat EVERY time your child is in the car. NEVER put an infant in the front seat of a car with a passenger airbag. 


Babies wiggle, move and push against things with their feet from the get go. As your baby grows older and bigger, and is able to roll over, he or she may fall off of things unless protected. Do not leave your baby alone on changing tables, beds, sofas, or chairs. Put your baby in a safe place such as a crib, playpen or on a clean floor when you cannot hold him/her.

Some babies are able to crawl as early as 6 months. Use gates on stairways and close doors to keep your baby out of rooms where he or she might get hurt.

If your child has a serious fall or does not act normally after a fall, call your doctor. 


At about 3 to 5 months, babies will wave their fists and grab at things close to them. NEVER carry your little ones and hot liquids such as coffee, tea, or foods simultaneously. Your baby stands a chance of getting burned if you do.

If your baby does get burned, immediately put the burned area in cold water. Keep the burned area in cold water for a few minutes to cool it off. Then cover the burn loosely with a dry bandage or clean cloth and call your doctor.


Choking and Suffocation

Babies tend to explore their environment by putting anything and everything into their mouths and nostrils. NEVER leave small objects within your baby’s reach. Cut all the foods you feed your baby into thin pieces to prevent him/her from choking.

To reduce the possibility of suffocation, your baby should always sleep on his or her back. Your baby should have his or her own crib or bassinet with no pillows or loose bedding. NEVER put your baby on a water bed, bean bag, or anything that is soft enough to cover the face and block air to the nose and mouth.

Also, plastic wrappers and bags can form a tight seal if placed over the mouth and nose and may suffocate your child. Keep them as far away from your baby as possible.

We are always available to attend to both minor/major accidents. Kindly follow this link to book an appointment